Technology & Cyber Liability

LRD has one of the nation's leading insurer-side cyber insurance practices.  Our attorneys have collectively worked on thousands of insurance claims under cyber and technology errors and omissions insurance policies, and they have seen nearly every fact pattern imaginable on both first- and third-party claims.  We pride ourselves in being able to take a seemingly complex set of facts - whether involving complex technological issues, nuanced accounting analyses, or significant litigation or regulatory risks - and provide strategic and straightforward guidance to our insurer clients grounded in sound legal principles and real world experience.  We focus on practical, efficient, and results-driven advice - often in a very short turnaround time required by the nature of many cyber insurance claims.

Our experience includes:

  • Advising cyber insurers on policy wording and assisting cyber insurers in drafting policy forms and endorsements;

  • Counseling cyber insurers on first-party insurance claims, such as for data restoration, business interruption, and breach response;

  • Advising insurers on complex third-party claims, from coverage analysis through monitoring and resolution;

  • Representing insurers on disputed claims, including through mediation or alternative dispute resolution and through litigation and appeals.